RLS has been working with the Fresno POA for well over a year in developing a groundbreaking Workers’ Compensation Alternative Dispute Resolution & Carve-Out Program (“Work Comp ADR Carve-Out Program”). “Carve-out” is a generic description for an alternative to traditional work comp programs that have been utilized in the private sector for many years. However, the innovative and novel program that we have developed with the FPOA is all-inclusive, comprehensive, preventive and includes financial incentives and rewards for both the associations and individual employees.
Other associations and their employers have created “carve-out” programs, but none of those take a holistic approach to fix a broken work comp system which victimizes injured employees and drains resources away from employers that could otherwise be used to fund employee benefits. Last week we assisted the leadership of the Fresno POA in making a presentation before the Fresno City Council to publicly introduce the Work Comp ADR Carve-Out Program.
This innovative program is designed to make a permanent cultural change in the way work comp claims are resolved while enhancing the quality and timing of medical treatment for injured employees. While the program is a radical departure from the traditional work comp system, there are structural protections in the program which maintain the members’ substantive legal rights.
The Work Comp ADR Carve-Out Program is a new way to think about assisting injured members and will generate many questions. Please click here to check out our RLS ADR Carve-Out Program FAQs.
If you are interested in more information please don’t hesitate to contact an attorney or labor representative from the Rains Lucia Stern, PC Labor Group in your area of California:
Northern: Rocky Lucia, Timothy Talbot, & Peter Hoffmann
Central: Roger Wilson
Southern: Robert Wexler
Labor Representatives: Jim Bickert, John Noble, & Bud Stone