RLS managing principal and trial attorney Harry Stern and RLS personal injury litigator Joseph Lucia are representing Roberto Chicas who was the victim of a hammer attack at the hands of an UBER driver in what has been become a highly-publicized incident. The case has garnered national media attention in light of the horrific nature off the injury—the client is in serious danger of losing his eye–and because of the growing controversy concerning UBER’s business model of flooding the streets with untested and untrained drivers while attempting to avoid liability.
Like many of the firm’s personal injury litigation clients, Roberto came to us through a police connection: he is from a law enforcement family.
During a heavily attended October 8th press conference held at RLS’s San Francisco office to address the media for the first time regarding Roberto’s medical status, Harry pointed out that “from a legal perspective, this is unchartered territory, as to UBER’s legal responsibility for the safety of its riders. UBER says their drivers are ‘independent’ but the company clearly calls the shots.” Harry added, “UBER calls the shots, takes the money, but won’t take responsibility – you can’t have it both ways.” Though the investigation is still underway, Stern and Lucia are prepared to sue the driver and UBER to seek fair compensation for Roberto’s injuries.