The skilled attorneys and labor relations representatives at Rains Lucia Stern St. Phalle & Silver, PC have negotiated hundreds of collective bargaining agreements on behalf of our association clients. RLS provides collective bargaining and negotiation services for Associations ranging in size from eight members to many hundreds.
During contract negotiations, RLS's knowledgeable negotiators work with clients in strategic planning, often representing the association as chief spokesperson at the bargaining table. We offer a wide variety of contract negotiation options to accommodate every budget.
The firm has successfully enforced contracts and specific contract provisions and protected bargaining and related rights in every relevant forum. Our philosophy places a premium on aggressive, thorough, and competent representation at the earliest stages of the grievance process.
A number of our clients must resolve collective bargaining disputes with their employers through binding interest arbitration. Our experience in collective bargaining arbitration and litigation provides a unique opportunity for our clients to secure more favorable wages, hours, and working conditions. The Peace Officers’ Research Association of California (PORAC) recognized the firm’s expertise in binding arbitration by inviting members of our Labor Group to be the featured speaker PORAC’s SB402 educational seminars.
In the course of the collective bargaining process, employers occasionally engage in bad faith conduct and unfair labor practices. RLS aggressively preserves the rights of our clients by asserting and litigating claims based upon employer interference with internal association matters, including political activities, and other acts constituting bad faith. We vigorously pursue claims against employers who retaliate against members for engaging in protected association activities.
We have in-depth knowledge concerning securing, maintaining, and modifying various employee benefits. Our representatives stay abreast of the latest State legislation related to public employees, collective bargaining, and law enforcement, allowing us to provide up-to-date defense of our clients' rights.
In the course of advising clients, we frequently address matters related to retirement benefits, medical benefits, and seniority rights. We have experience with PERS, the County retirement Act of 1937 and other local and statewide systems. RLS also advises association clients, boards of directors, and officers on various organizational matters relating to the governance and operation of a labor organization, such as duties of fair representation, contractual obligations, drafting of by-laws, and member, director, and officer liability. In addition, we advise association clients on securing and maintaining state and federal tax-exempt status.