RLS partner Tim Talbot will be speaking as one of three panelists at this upcoming class concerning recent attacks against public employees' vested rights to their pensions under the "California Rule".
This class is offered by The Rutter Group and is eligible for MCLE credit. Registration and more information are available at the official site here.
From the official site:
In 2012, in part as a result of this fiscal stress, the State enacted pension reforms, which public employee unions and others challenged as violating public employees’ vested rights to their pensions. The California Supreme Court has before it three of these cases, in which the parties and a wide range of amici are making arguments on the proper scope of the “California Rule.” This program, featuring the attorneys who are in the front lines in these cases, will examine the law from the point of view of the public employees, the retirement systems, and the public employersThe Rutter Group