Intelligence Squared U.S. is a nonprofit debate series broadcasted across the country via public radio and podcasts and regularly features prominent experts on various subjects. Debates are in the Oxford format featuring a sharply framed motion proposed by one side and opposed by another. Experts are placed in teams, “For The Motion” side or “Against The Motion.” The winner is determined by audience vote that occurs twice: once before the debate and again at the end. The team that sways the most audience members to their side between the two votes is declared the victor.
Intelligence Squared U.S. distinguishes between live-audience and online audience vote when determining the winner.
Wednesday evening’s debate asserted that policing in America is racially biased, a controversial issue igniting much of the country today. Both teams debated passionately — arousing cheers, boos, and laughter from a visibly engaged audience.
At the end of the night, the moderator announced that Harry Stern and Heather Mac Donald were voted as the winner by both audiences. Their defense that policing in America is data-driven, and therefore unbiased, succeeded in swaying the most voters against the motion.
A complete breakdown of votes from both the online and live-audience is available below.
Watch the full recording of Wednesday night’s debate at the end of this article.
Full Recording: