Plaintiff E.D., a 74 year old retiree, was walking on a sidewalk when he approached an intersection containing a marked crosswalk. E.D. had the light to cross and lawfully entered the intersection. At that moment, an AC transit bus made a left-turn against a red light and struck Enrique, knocking him to the ground. The impact fractured several ribs, also causing a brain injury and lacerations.
Before the accident, E.D. was a 74-year old retiree who led an active life, baby-sitting grandchildren and caretaking for his wife suffering from health issues. After being struck by the bus, he suffered from brain and shoulder injuries resulting in memory loss, mood swings, and chronic pain impeding his range of motion. Plaintiff E.D. and his wife, C.D., sued the bus operator his employer, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, for damages and loss of consortium.
After pretrial mediation, plaintiffs secured a settlement of $3,300,000.